Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A few weeks ago I was browsing the food aisles at Target, pouting about all the stuff I couldn't buy. I was hungry and should have NOT been in the food section. As we were leaving, I saw a small display, with a couple of boxes of LARABARS. It said gluten free, dairy free, soy free, so I took a second look. Peanut butter cookie??? Yes, please. It had three ingredients: peanuts, dates, and salt. S.C.D.Legal. I bought them, ate it as I was walking to the car, and fell in love. It was actually good. So, I enlisted my baking/cooking partner in crime, my sister, and we decided it was too simple to buy these delicious little bars. We would make them! Shonda found a great site that had numerous recipes for homemade LARABARS and we got cookin'. We made two versions: banana bread and peanut butter and jelly. I would post our recipe, but we just kept putting things in the food processor until we liked what we saw. And we didn't take pictures. Yeah, I won't be writing a cookbook anytime soon. Long story short, check out the link above.

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